Thursday 31 May 2012

Virgins or Raisins? A Dilemma for Intellectually Dishonest Muslim Apologists

Little do Muslim apologists realize that when they attempt to defend the Qur'an against the claim (actually, the fact) that it promises Muslim men virgins in paradise, they are actually committing apostasy via blasphemy in belief.

As you will find out, any Muslim who claims the Qur'an refers to "white raisins", not "virgins", has to also accept that "the Qur'an was not written by Allah or revealed to Muhammad in Arabic during the 7th century, but was in fact written by Christian evangelists in Syro-Aramaic during the 8th century."

From WikiIslam (visit the original page for references):

This false myth of "white raisins" originated from Christoph Luxenberg, a modern author writing under a pseudonym. His anti-Islamic claim, which has been accused of having a "Christian apologetic agenda", is that the Qur'an was drawn from Christian Syro-Aramaic texts in the early 8th century, in order to evangelize the Arabs, and that the Aramaic word 'hur' (white raisin) had been mistranslated by later Arab commentators into the Arabic word 'houri' (virgin).
The Qur'an describes the physical characteristics of the houri in many places, and a reading of relevant verses show that Luxenberg's theory regarding heavenly white raisins is in error.
Raisins, which are dried grapes, cannot have large eyes, big breasts, cannot restrain their glances, cannot be described as chaste, or have any of the characteristics listed above. The Qur'an further states that men will be wed to these houri. Men cannot be married to raisins or white grapes.
Additionally, for someone to accept this "72 raisins" theory, they would also have to accept that the Qur'an was not written by Allah or revealed to Muhammad in Arabic during the 7th century, but was in fact written by Christian evangelists in Syro-Aramaic during the 8th century.

Of course, none of this has stopped the ignorant and agenda-driven Western media from repeating this blasphemous claim to more ignorant and agenda-driven Western viewers/readers as the "correct" interpretation of the Qur'an. An interpretation that, if accepted, would prove Islam to be a man-made religion just like any other.

From Answering Muslims:

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